
QUICK DESCRIPTION: A friendly nomadic Khajiit merchant and professional animal rescuer.

NAME: Amur'chantSPECIES: KhajiitAGE: 35GENDER: Male (FtM)ORIENTATION: GayOCCUPATION: Tradesman, Animal Caretaker, VeterinarianAFFILIATION: Silver Lining Traders, BaandariRESIDENCE: Northern ElsweyrCOMPANY: Dancer the Deer, Bristles the Bear, Flair the Flint-Pelt FoxSKILLS: Alchemy, Healing Magic, Animal CommunicationFAITH: Riddle-t’harPERSONALITY: Helpful, Generous, Enthusiastic, Lighthearted, GentleALIGNMENT: Chaotic GoodLIKES: Ethology, Community, Travel, Craftsmanship, SweetsDISLIKES: Animal Cruelty, Swindlers, Misinformation, Pettiness, Meat Dishes

APPEARANCE: Amur has cream and auburn fur with dark rosette patterns covering his body. His hair is deep navy blue, with tiny braids mixed into his curled locks. Dark black markings swirl on his cheeks beneath his warm, golden eyes. He has a crescent shaped nose piercing, and wears moon insignias around his neck, wrists, and waist. His clothing is made from high quality silken fabric, which he is always ready to recommend from his own selection of wares.VOICE: Male Khajiit Voice C

PRESENT DAY: The ever-friendly wandering pedlar, Amur'chant, takes his services all across Tamriel. His days are spent traveling, trading, and advocating for animals. But he always spares time for social fun, aiming to make new connections wherever he goes.While he makes his living as a merchant, Amur also offers his veterinarian skills to those in need. He loses money on the practice, but it is worth it to him to be of help to others.In his journeys, he occasionally adopts disabled or elderly creatures, and relocates them to his sanctuary in Northern Elsweyr. The picture of peace, his sanctuary is spacious enough that many different animals can exist together in harmony. Although that is his base, it is manned by hired caretakers in his absence, as he spends much of his time on the road.

HISTORY: Amur'chant has had an affinity for animals for as long as he can remember, and believes his main purpose in life is to make a difference in theirs. This is how he ultimately got into trading, as he needed a way to support his studies and ever-growing pack of mismatched critters.His first animal was Flair, a Flint-Pelt Fox, who he found alone and near death as a pup. Flair has remained by Amur's side ever since he nursed the fox back to health. There were several animals he rescued in the years to follow, including Bristles, who was missing several teeth after a run-in with a hunter. The bear had won, but at a cost, and could now no longer hunt properly. Amur fed him, and they developed a bond. Most recently, his entourage has grown to include Dancer, a deaf fawn he discovered on one of his trade routes. While most of his animal friends remain at his sanctuary, these three follow him wherever he goes.

- Although he feeds his carnivorous and omnivorous animals meat, he is a vegetarian.
NAME ORIGIN: Pun using "Amur leopard" and "merchant"